Halloween Games Round 3!

Halloween Games Round 3

We all enjoy horror movies from time to time, and now you can be a part of one!

To win this round, you have to gather your sMeet friends, pick a creepy song or story and direct a horror video clip! The video should be at least 30 seconds long but not longer than 3 minutes. Upload it on YouTube or your Instagram feed, and send us a link to eventsen@smeet.com by the 26th of October, together with the sMeet IDs of all participants in it.

SPECIAL RULE CHANGE! - For Round 3, the number of Halloween Points on offer will DOUBLE! This is a great chance for your domain to put yourselves in a strong position going into the Halloween Party!

Round 3 Rewards:
1. Place: A special item for the participants and 6 Points for the Domain
2. Place: A special item for the participants and 4 Points for the Domain
3. Place: A special item for the participants and 2 Points for the Domain

Good luck!